Saturday, June 18, 2011

Summer Blues

My job is my life.  I know that is horrible but it's true in so many ways.  I love what I do and I can't fathom doing anything else.  Unfortunately, being in full time camp ministry can also put quite a strain on family time.  You see, this time of year is tough, real tough.  I moved out of the house and into my room at camp around mid-May.  I average about 4 - 5 hours of sleep a night for 3 months.  I've already pulled 3 all-nighters trying to get camp ready in time for the next group of kids.  It's non stop, full of challenges and plan B's, but I just wouldn't have it any other way.

However, while I have been hard at work, Kristi and Carver have taken two significant trips without me.  So, in the last month, I could count on my hands how many times I have seen them.  I'm not entirely sure that I would need both hands.  Kind of tough to be an involved, intentional dad when you aren't seeing your family for months at a time.

Hopefully, in the near future... maybe a couple of years down the road...  we can build a house at camp.  Though I am extremely busy there, I do have down time that I would love to spend with my family.  Unfortunately, with them living 30 minutes away, my down time is not enough to drive back and forth.  But, if they lived on property, I could see them at least daily.  We're praying for something to work out real soon.  I want to raise Carver at camp.  Camp has been such a huge part of my life for the last 15 years that I can't think of any other environment that I would rather raise him in.

Today was kind of cool though.  Probably for only about the second or third time in 15 years, I actually left town for an overnight trip while camp was in session.  Kris and Carver have been in Baltimore for the last week and a half prepping for my sister-in-law's wedding.  This morning I got up early, hopped on a plane and flew up for the wedding.  I'm heading back first thing tomorrow morning, but it was great to get to spend a day with Carver away from the distractions of camp.  That is rare, especially in the summer.  We didn't really do anything super special, but we did get to hang out, walk the dogs together, play cornhole, run in circles chasing each other and we both endured the misery of an outdoor summer wedding together.  It was a good day and even though I missed camp terribly, I'm so glad I got to hang out with my son today. 

Hopefully there will be many more days like this to come.  He's growing up so fast and I hate to miss so much of it.  No pics for now, but hopefully Kris will get me some to remember this day by.